The CanCham NEWS is to provide information about member activities. Members are encouraged to submit relevant news items to and provide links to their web sites to provide details.
18.11.2023 The CanCham Update, November 18th, 2023 is available at
14.08.2023 The CanCham Update for August 14th, 2023 is available at
08.01.2023 The CanCham Update for January 08, 2023 is available at


10.10.2022 The Notice and Agenda of CanCham’sExtraordinary Members Meeting (EMM) that will take place on October 31st, has been sent out via e-mail. Relevant information can be accessed at To attend, please register here.
03.10.2022 The Report on CanCham’s Autumn BBQ at the Sonada Hotel Gardens has been posted. See

12.09.2022 The Notice and Agenda of CanCham’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) that will take place on October 3rd, has been sent out via e-mail. Relevant information can be accessed at To attend, please register here.

11.09.2022 We invite our Latvian speaking members to attend a seminar presented by our corporate member, Harijs Ozols on the subject of “How to improve the findability of your website in Google search results with your own efforts” (“Kā ar saviem spēkiem uzlabot savas mājas lapas atrodamību Google meklētāja rezultātos”. See

01.09.2022 CanCham Elections 2022

Dear CanCham members,

We are preparing for CanCham’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on October 3rd, 2022 at 18.30 and the upcoming elections. The following are to be elected:

  • Chairman of the Board (1) - 2 year term
  • Members of the Board (4) – 2 year term
  • Audit Committee Members (3) – 3 year term
  • Canadian Director (1) – 2 year term.

If you are a member in good standing and would like to stand for election to any of these positions or nominate someone, please send a picture, short CV of no more than 125 words and the applicable position. If you are nominating someone, you must have their written consent to stand for office. Please send candidate information to no later than Friday, September 9th, 2022. Nominations from the floor at the AGM will be accepted.

If there are any questions or comments, please direct them to Una Brūna at    
30.06.2022 BB SKUDRAS joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
06.06.2022 Registrations open for CanCham’s Show & Tell event on Wednesday, June 15th, 2022 at the Unity Business Centre, 119 Vienības gatve. Register Here
06.06.2022 The report on the CEUTIA Canadian Private Sector CETA Stakeholder Forum of May 31st, 2022 is available at
05.06.2022 The report on “The Road to Canada” is available at


18.05.2022 “The Road to Canada” May 26th, 2022 from 10:00 – 12:00 at the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kr. Valdemāra street 35, Conference Hall. Please save the date. More information, including registration information, is coming shortly. See

24.05.2022 The Report on CanCham’s Focus on Canada and the Canadian Embassy with H.E. Kevin Rex, Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia on Monday, May 16th has been posted.
14.05.2022 Indian Raja renews its CanCham Senior Corporate membership. We thank India Raja for their support.
06.05.2022 The Report on CanCham’s Show & Tell event on Monday, April 25th, 2022 has been posted.

02.05.2022 Registrations open for CanCham’s Focus on Canada and the Canadian Embassy with H.E. Kevin Rex, Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia on Monday, May 26th at 18.30 at the Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel
13.04.2022 Registrations open for CanCham’s Show & Tell event on Monday, April 25th, 2022 at the Unity Business Centre, 119 Vienības gatve.
12.04.2022 The CanCham Update for April 12, 2022 is available at
10.12.2021 The CanCham Update for Dec. 10, 2021 is available at
05.12.2021 CanCham's Visit Latvia Program development is in its final stages.
30.11.2021 Kronbergs Čukste LEVIN renews its Corporate membership.
29.11.2021 Circle-K Latvia renews its Corporate membership.
29.11.2021 PEPI RER renews its Corporate member.
26.11.2021 CBRE Baltics renews its Corporate membership.
11.11.2021 Print eXpress renews its Business membership.
27.10.2021 Ingrid Zemitis joins the CanCham as a Business member.
22.10.2021 The CanCham Update for October 22, 2021 is available at
20.10.2021 MR Car joins the CanCham as a Business member.
05.10.2021 The CanCham is pleased to announce the election of the new Board (see
  • Una Brūna, President (Executive Director at Latvian American Eye Center)
  • Ed Kalvins, Member of the Board / Director, Business Development (President & CEO of “TP Riga” SIA, and Technical Partners International Inc.)
  • Indra Sproģe-Kalviņa, Member of the Board / Director, Finance & Administration (Director, Administration of “TP Riga” SIA)
  • Shane Kells, Member of the Board / Director, Liaison with Canadians (Director of the International School of Riga)
  • Mark Watson, Member of the Board / Director, Corporate Membership (Business & Finance Consultant,  representative Riga Apartments)
  • Sam Davidovich, Director – Canada (Owner of Transcontinental Consulting Company)
30.09.2021 Baltic Medical Destinations renews their CanCham Business membership.
30.09.2021 R Birojs renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
30.09.21 Latvian American Eye Center renews its Business membership.
 27.09.2021 Riga Apartments renews its CanCham Business membership.
27.09.2021 Pauls Jansons Law Office renews its CanCham individual membership. 
23.09.2021 Energolukss renews its Corporate membership.
23.09.2021 Evija Baula renews her CanCham membership at the Individual level.
22.09.2021 Radisson Blu Latvija Hotel renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
21.09.2021 Health Center 4 (Veselības centrs 4) renews its CanCham Business membership.
21.09.2021 Ilvars Pētersons renews his CanCham membership at the Individual level.
20.09.21 Continett renews its Business membership'
20.09.2021 Vat4u renews its CanCham membership at the Individual level.
20.09.2021 Astrette Baltic States renews its CanCham Business membership.
20.09.2021 The International School of Riga renews its Corporate membership.
17.09.2021 Gosselin renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
17.09.2021 The Exupery International School renews its CanCham Corporate Contributing membership. We thank the Exupery International School for its support.
15.09.2021 EUROHA renews its CanCham membership at the Individual level.
04.10.2020 br.ook interior architecture renews its CanCham Business membership.
13.09.2021 Vladimirs Čamāns renews his CanCham Business membership.
08.09.2021 The Report on the Commercial visit to Cēsis with the Canadian Embassy in Latvia and the CanCham on Friday, September 3rd, 2021 was issued – see

06.09.2021 Notice to Members: Medical Tourism and Sports Tourism Project Groups. There will be a meeting at the Sonada Hotel on Thursday, September 9th, 2021 at 18.00. Those who could benefit from the activities of this group are welcome to attend. Please indicate your interest to attend by informing a group member or writing to

01.08.2021 The Report on CanCham’s Member Meeting of 28.07.2021 was issued - see
26.07.2021 The CanCham Update for July 26, 2021 is available at
Members are invited to a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, July 28th, 2021 at 18.30 to discuss the CanCham’s program for the next year. We need help to identify what is important to you and to understand your expectations of the CanCham. Would you kindly register here so that I know who is interested in helping out with their input.
19.07.2021 The Report on Canada’s 154th birthday with the CanCham in Latvia can be viewed here.
09.06.2021 The Report on CanCham Talks -How to raise your immune system and mental well-being during the pandemic” can be viewed here. The video can be viewed here.
14.05.2021 The Report on CanCham’s Trade Facilitation & Export group’s CanCham Talks evening titled “Canada-Latvia Trade – what you need to know” on May 12th, 2021  can be viewed here. The video can be viewed here.
19.04.2021 CanCham Talks - Connecting people and ideas event “How to raise your immune system and mental well-being during the pandemic” open for registration. To attend, please register here.
09.04.2021 The upcoming events schedule has been updated with webinars from the Trade, Facilitation & Export Group and the Health, Leisure & Education Group.
26.03.2021 B&B Buildings joins the CanCham as a Business member.
10.03.2021 The CanCham Update for March 9, 2021 is available at 
10.03.2021 International School of Riga Virtual (ZOOM) Open House takes place on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 10.00 AM  Register here.
03.03.2021 CanCham's Trade Facilitation & Export Group Member Notifications (March, 2021) have been posted. 
26.02.2021 Granitops renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
17.02.2021 CanCham's Construction Related Services Group Member Notifications (mid February, 2021) have been posted. 
11.02.2020 CanCham's Health, Leisure & Education Group Member Notifications (mid February, 2021) have been posted. 
14.12.2020 One Week, One Province: The European Union Chamber of Commerce in Canada (EUCCAN) - just completed a webinar series called “One Week, One Province” which provided a overview of business opportunities in each Canadian province. For those interested in doing business with or in Canada, you are invited to review the presentations here.
 13.12.2020 Martins Saulis joins the CanCham as a Business member.
03.12.2020 NOTICE: Isolation and quarantine during the COVID-19 period: Travellers returning for abroad, those designated as contact persons and those who have tested positive for COVID-19 should be separated from others in order to prevent the spread, and may not know how to do this. The CanCham is aware of accommodation facilities (hotels, guest houses) that are available for Isolation and quarantine purposes. In particular circumstances, financial assistance may be available. For infomation, please contact the head of our Health & Leisure Group, Una Brūna at Stay safe!
01.12.2020 We're proud of what we do. A successful Cancham member collaboration has resulted with a new Indian Raja Express restaurant in Āgenskalns! For now, you can only order food for takeaway or through Wolt, but we will be happy to meet each other there when it's allowed. Let's support each other! #brookdesigners
30.11.2020 Newsflash from Kronbergs Čukste LEVIN November, 2020.
23.11.2020 The CanCham Update for November 23, 2020 is available at
23.11.2020 Baltic country holidays joins the CanCham as a Partner Organization.
02.11.2020 Termex Building Services joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
29.10.2020 The Report on CanCham’s Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner 2020 was issued. 
27.10.2020 To do, or not to do – that is the question.

We postponed a CanCham event Monday because of the recent rise in COVID-19 cases in Latvia. This resulted in a mixed bag of reactions ranging from appreciation from those fearing instant death from COVID-19 to those questioning the decision who believe it doesn’t exist. Extremes are bad either way! I can appreciate leading politicians dilemma. Any decision can have life or death consequences, whether directly from COVID-19 or more subtly, from the consequences of side effects of trying to avoid COVID-19 related to lockdowns for which there is no readily available information that could the help decision-making process. My personal opinion from what I have read seems to indicate that lockdowns are not good, and that appears to be the governments position as well, so we should try to maintain normalcy as much as possible, and we as a chamber feel that in-person events are important. 

For anyone leading any organization, the fact is we are playing Russian roulette when we organize in-person events, and there are consequences for our decisions. This is a heavy responsibility. There is an element of risk in everything we do, but if we take reasonable precautions, we can reduce and perhaps live with the risk. What is disturbing is that there is a significant segment of our society that insist in putting a couple of extra bullets in the magazine to increase the risk. Clearly many are ignoring the simple techniques which include wearing masks appropriately, distancing and hygiene – basically using common sense. We shouldn’t need the government to tell us that. 

According to the SPKC (Center for Disease Prevention and Control), when positive test results exceed 3% of tests taken, the spread of COVID-19 is uncontrolled. This seems to be a reasonable indication of risk, and we will use it to determine when we can resume in-person events. Another factor is the SPKC’s ability to track cases. Over the past week, we have been in the 3 to 5% range, the number of positives have increased dramatically, and the SPKC does not appear to be able to track properly. The current situation is not good.

We are closely monitoring the situation and will get back to in-person events as soon as things appear to be more under control.

Ed Kalvins,
17.10.2020 Divine Heat renews its Business membership.
16.10.2020 Gosselin Mobility Baltics renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
12.10.2020 From September to December 2020, discover trade and investment opportunities in each Canadian province. You will get to understand the main sector of attraction and some insight on how to support your trade/investment projects.
11.10.2020 E-Bags renews its CanCham individual membership.
09.10.2020 at 22.00 About the Thanksgiving Day Dinner on Monday, October 12th: We continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and its effect on our dinner. The government just announced new restrictions, but none pertain to us. Current outbreaks are localized and appropriate actions are taken as required. Please check here for possible updates.

07.10.2020 The report on the CanCham’s Annual General Meeting was issued.

06.10.2020 Pauls Jansons Law Office renews its CanCham individual membership.

05.10.2020 A reminder for CanCham members. The AGM is at 18.30 tonight. This is an in-person meeting. If you have not yet registered to attend, please do so at If you cannot attend, please send a proxy. Any questions – write to or call 29 255 223.

04.10.2020 br.ook interior architecture renews its CanCham Business membership.
04.10.2020 Baltic Medical Destinations renews their CanCham Business membership.
02.10.2020 ISKU renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
02.10.2020 Līga Logina joins the CanCham at the Individual level.
02.10.2020 R Birojs renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
02.10.2020 Amberwork renews its CanCham Business membership.
01.10.2020 Vladimirs Čamāns renews his CanCham Business membership.
30.09.2020 Controlit Factory renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
30.09.2020 Amplicam joins the CanCham as a Business member.
30.09.2020 Health Center 4 (Veselības centrs 4) renews its CanCham Business membership.
30.09.2020 Riga Decorative Painting Workshop renews its CanCham Business membership.
30.09.2020 EUROHA renews its CanCham membership at the Individual level.
30.09.2020 Thomas Bartley (Three Brothers / Trīs brāļi) renews his CanCham membership at the Individual level.
29.09.2020 CBRE Baltics renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
29.09.2020 available.
15.09.2020 CanCham Update for September 15, 2020 available.

14.09.2020 CanCham’s 2020 General Annual Meeting notifications have been sent to members. Register here to attend.  If you did not receive the notification, please inform  

08.09.2020 This is for people from abroad who wish to come to Latvia for medical procedures / operations and medical services in Latvia. On September 2nd, 2020, the Latvian government changed its regulations allowing persons from abroad to receive medical procedures / operations and medical services in Latvia. Up until that date, this was not allowed due to restrictions related to the spread of COVID-19. The modified regulations stipulate the actions/precautions needed to be taken to allow for these services. For further information, please contact the CanCham at or
28.08.2020 CanCham Update for August 28, 2020 available
25.08.2020 Registrations open for upcoming ZOOM meetings. Register here.
21.08.2020 CanCham Corporate Contributing member, Savoie Arbitration launched Savoie Laporte earlier this month. More information.
21.08.2020 The International School of Riga renews its Corporate membership. We also welcome its new director, Shane Kell (a Canadian) to Latvia.
08.08.2020 The Report on the Commercial visit to Iecava with the Canadian Embassy in Latvia and the CanCham on Thursday, August 6th, 2020 has been issued.
04.08.2020  Par CanCham latviešu valodā – a presentation describing the CanCham in the Latvian language has been prepared by br.ook interior architecture. We thank Ligita Breģe and Baiba Rūķe for putting this together. 
05.07.2020 The Report on Canada’s 153rd birthday with the CanCham in Latvia was issued.
25.06.2020 Registrations open for the Celebration of Canada’s 153rd birthday at the Terrace of the Pullman Riga Old Town Hotel on Thursday, July 2nd,  2020 at 18.00. 
15.06.2020 See CanCham COVID-19 Recovery Task Force Update June 15th. Press more info.
14.06.2020 Visit CanCham Health & Leisure group member announcements for mid June, 2020 in FB.

12.06.2020 Visit CanCham Construction Related Services group member announcements for mid June, 2020 in FB.

08.06.20 Continett renews its Business membership
08.06.2020 See CanCham COVID-19 Recovery Task Force Update for June 8th, 2020 – the end of phase one. Press more info.
01.06.2020 Iglu soft play joins the CanCham as a Business member.
 01.06.2020 PEPI RER joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
25.05.2020 The schedule of upcoming meetings for the next week has been posted in To participate in any or all of our upcoming meetings, please register here.
 21.05.2020 Astrette Baltic States joins the CanCham as a Business member.

02.05.2020 See CanCham member announcements for the beginning of May, 2020.

27.04.2020 Today’s meeting of the CanCham Board decided to conduct future meetings of both working groups and CanCham wide meetings via Zoom teleconferencing until the COVID-19 pandemic situation stabilizes. The emphasis will be on helping members deal with the current situation, but to also develop future opportunities. Meeting schedules are to be set up shortly. This will have the added benefit of including the participation of those not resident in Riga and particularly those located in Canada.
29.04.2020 Vita Gift joins the CanCham as an Individual member.

14.04.2020 The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia is forming a “Recovery Task Force” to help its members

  • mitigate the current effects of the economic downturn by helping one another and sharing information,
  • prepare for the “new normal” brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated restrictions,
  • seek new opportunities presented by this situation.
Members and friends who wish to participate in this Task Force are asked to contact Ed Kalvins at and advise of their interest.
27.03.2020 Newsflash from Kronbergs Čukste LEVIN March, 2020
21.03.2020 PRIME Recruitment renews its membership at the Individual level.
12.03.2020 Please note that all CanCham events have been postponed until further notice due to the COVID-19 State of Emergency announced by the Prime Minister of Latvia on March 12th, 2020. Events will be rescheduled once the all-clear is given. Group work not requiring meetings will continue.  
12.03.2020 Circle-K Latvia renews its Corporate membership.
11.03.2020 Energolukss renews its membership and upgrades their CanCham membership to the Senior Corporate member level. We thank Energolukss for their support.  
 10.03.20 Latvian American Eye Center renews its Business membership.
 09.03.2020 Kronbergs Čukste LEVIN renews its Corporate membership.
 06.03.2020 Kavitvana renews its Individual membership.
06.03.2020 Smart Continent LV renews its Individual membership.
 05.03.2020 PK Serviss renews its Corporate membership.

05.03.2020 BG Real Estate renews its Business membership.

03.03.2020 Baiba Liepiņa renews her Associate membership.
02.03.2020 VestaFume TLG renews its Business membership.
24.02.2020 The Report on CanCham’s Focus on Professional Women has been issued.
18.02.2020 VentEko joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
18.02.2020 Vat4u joins the CanCham as an Individual member.
09.02.20 The schedule of upcoming events has been adjusted. The next event will be CanCham’s Focus on Professional Women on February 19th at 18.30 in cooperation with the Canadian Embassy in Latvia featuring a special guest speaker from Canada. Info to come shortly.
06.02.20 The Report on Focus on Canada: Trade, Business & Export Development with Canadian Trade Commissioner Michael Eyestone, and Pierre-Olivier Savoie of Savoie Arbitration has been issued.
27.01.2020 AMETROS joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
20.01.20 Registrations start for CanCham’s Focus on Canada: Trade, Business & Export Development on Thursday, January 30th at 18.30 at the Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel, Elizabetes iela 73.
18.01.20 The Report on the CanCham Corner of January, 16th, 2020 at Singh’s featuring a “Zole” tournament was issued.
13.01.2020 CanCham Corner's registrations open for Thursday, January 16th.
Register at Features Zole (Zolīte) tournament. 
05.01.2020 Riga Apartments joins the CanCham as a Business member
02.12.2019 Divine Heat renews its Business membership.
21.11.2019 Notice to CanCham members:  If you wish to reach out to other members or CanCham’s friends with an advertisement or other information, please put such information in CanCham’s ( group page called “CanCham Members and Good Friends”. If your message qualifies, we will insert it into the main CanCham FB site, our web site and our WorkPlace site, and/or (on special occasions) send it out to our mailing list. If you have not yet joined this page, you can do so by requesting to join this group. We’d be happy to share your information.
18.11.2019 Savoie Arbitration joins the CanCham as a Corporate Contributing Member. We thank Savoie Arbitration for its support. 
13.11.2019 Inga Skrūzmane replaces Marks Deitons for commercial affairs at the Latvian Embassy in Canada.
11.11.2019 CanCham Christmas at Pullman Riga Old Town Hotel, Jēkaba iela 24 on Monday, December 2nd at 18.30 – registrations start.
11.11.2019 CanCham Corner at Singh’s Restaurant, Ģertrūdes iela 32 on Thursday, November 14th at 18.30 - – registrations start.
07.11.2019 Dr. Barloti renews her CanCham Individual membership.     
07.11.2019 Indian Raja upgrades their CanCham membership to the Senior Corporate member level. We thank Indian Raja for their support.   

06.11.2019 The new CanCham event plan for the coming year has been posted for information. See  Note that all events will need confirmation except those where registration has started. Registration is available for and Please plan to come,  and register early.

05.11.2019 Siemens Osakeyhtio Latvia renews its Corporate membership.
01.11.2019 Ozols America renews its CanCham Individual membership. 
29.10.2019 ALma Clinic renews its CanCham Business membership. 
29.10.2019 Singh’s Indian Restaurant and Bar renews their senior corporate member level. We thank Singh’s for the support. 
29.10.2019 LATSWEETS joins the CanCham as a Business member. 
17.10.2019 Christmas “Fiesta” Celebration information for large and small organizations from the Baltic Beach Hotel & Spa. Special discounts for CanCham members and friends – 15% discount for reservations made by the end of October, and 10% discounts made in November and December. Discounts applicable by mentioning the CanCham at time of booking. 
17.10.2019 The next CanCham Corner will take place on Thursday, October 24th at 18.30. We plan to have a Group Leader meeting beforehand at 17.30. Members who are interested in participating are welcome to attend the meeting. Register here:  
17.10.2019 A special Seasonal offer from the Baltic Beach Hotel & Spa for CanCham members and friends which includes accommodation and spa for two. CanCham members and friends get a 10% discount by mentioning the CanCham at time of booking.
17.10.2019 The Report on CanCham’s Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner 2019 was issued. 
07.10.2019 We congratulate the new Board and Audit Committee for 2019-2020, and wish them success in the coming year. Audit Committee: - Inna Kotlikova (Gosselin Mobility in the Baltics and Belarus), Dzintra Renigere (R Birojs), Jan Welitz (E-bags), Board: - Julie O'Donohue (Exupery International School), Ed Kalvins – President & Chairman (Technical Partners International Inc.), Una Brūna (Latvian American Eye Center), Indra Sproģe-Kalviņa (TP Riga) and Henrik Mjöman (PRIME Recruitment) and Samuel Davidovich (Transcontinental Consulting Company), the Board Representative in Canada and CanCham Director located in Toronto.
07.10.2019 Energolukss renews its Corporate membership. 
04.10.2019 The Riga Decorative Painting Workshop joins the CanCham as a Business member.
03.10.2019 Registrations being taken for the Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner at the Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel, with special H. E. Kevin Rex, the Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia. 
19.09.2019 CanCham members and friends are invited to attend the opening of the new ISKU salon on Thursday, September 26th, 2019 at 11.00 (official opening) at the Decco Centre - Katlakalna ielā 6D. ISKU is a Corporate member of the CanCham.
 18.09.2019 Enera joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
16.09.2019 The Notice and Agenda for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia has been sent to members. It will take place at 18.30 on October 7th, 2019 at the RBS. Members who have not received their Notice and Agenda are asked to notify Ed Kalvins at  
 15.09.2019 Rūjienas oga renews its CanCham Business membership.

12.09.2019 Medīgas renews its CanCham individual membership.

09.09.2019 Notice to members: We are preparing for CanCham’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on October 7th, 2019 at 18.30 which will be taking place at the Riga Business School, 11 Skolas iela. If you would like to stand for election to any of these positions or nominate someone, please send a picture, short CV of no more than 125 words and the applicable position. If you are nominating someone, you must have their written consent to stand for office. Please send candidate information to no later than Sunday, September 15th, 2019.
05.09.2019 CanCham Corner on August 29, 2019 at 18.30 at Singh’s registrations open. Visitors welcome. The Construction Services Group will be meeting at 17.30.
08.09.2019 The report on the Health & Leisure Group’s Committee Meeting 002 that took place on Monday, August 29th, 2019 at 17.30 at the Singh’ s Restaurant, Ģertrūdes 32 was issued.
 04.09.2019 R Birojs renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
02.09.2019 Indian Raja renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
04.12.2018 Inta Consulting renews its CanCham individual membership.
30.08.2019 Radisson Blu Latvija Hotel renews its CanCham Corporate membership. 
27.08.2019 CanCham Corner on August 29, 2019 at Singh’s registrations open. 
22.08.2019 Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
 21.08.2019 Leinonen renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
 20.08.2019 Pauls Jansons Law Office renews its CanCham individual membership.
19.08.2019 Latvian American Eye Center renews its CanCham Business membership. 
16.08.2019 Valts Karklins representing Bite Business joins the CanCham as an individual member.
 16.08.2019 Abens Konsultants renews their CanCham individual membership.
15.08.2019 Alsins Architecture Latvia joins the CanCham as a Business member. 
15.08.2019 Gosselin Mobility Baltics renews its CanCham membership and upgrades to the Corporate level.
  15.08.2019 FF International Movers renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
 15.08.2019 BG Real Estate renews its CanCham Business membership.
 14.08.2019 Andrejs Šķesters renews his CanCham Associate membership.
14.08.2019 ISKU renews its CanCham Corporate membership.
Vladimirs   14.08.2019 Vladimirs Čamāns renews his CanCham Business membership.


10.08.2019 The report on the Health & Leisure Group’s Committee Meeting that took place on Monday, August 5th, 2019 at 18.30 at the Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel was issued.
 07.08.2019 Controlit Factory renews its CanCham Corporate membership.

31.07.2019 group meeting on Monday, August 5th at 17.30 at the Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel


22.07.2019 The report on CanCham’s Focus on Connecting Canada and Latvia – Procurement & Services with LCdr Ken Narozanski took place on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 11.30 at the Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel issued.


16.07.2019 CanCham’s Focus on Connecting Canada and Latvia – Procurement & Services with LCdr Ken Narozanski at the Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel.


16.07.2019 Veselības centrs 4 joins the CanCham as a Business member.


15.07.2019 Normunds Kupcis representing the European Recreational and Old-timers Hockey Association joins the CanCham as an Individual member.


03.07.2019 The report on CanCham celebration of Canada’s 152nd birthday issued.


30.06.2019 CanCham celebrates Canada’s 152nd birthday on Sunday, June 30th, 2019 at the Baltic Beach Hotel & SPA


30.06.2019 Larry Chilton renews his Associate membership.

14.06.2019 CanCham’s Construction Related Services Group Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 17.00 at Technical Partners office, 109 Vienības gatve, 5th floor, Office 7.1.
13.06.2019 Registrations open for Canada Day at the beach. Celebrate Canada’s 152nd birthday at the Baltic Beach Hotel, Sunday, June 30th at 14.00.

Register at

12.06.2019 CanCham’s Trade Facilitation and Export Group Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 18.30 at Aristida Briāna iela 9, Riga 1001.
12.06.2019 Reminder: CanCham’s Knowledge Services Group Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2019 at 14.00 at Technical Partners office, 109 Vienības gatve, 5th floor, Office 7.1.

10.06.2019 Baltic Medical Destinations joins the CanCham as a Business member.

06.06.2019 The Report on CanCham’s “Speed Dating” Networking event that took place on Monday, June 3rd, 2019 at Singh’s Restaurant, Ģertrūdes iela 32, has been posted.

03.06.2019 Ingars Kalnieks representing ExpoCafe joins the CanCham as an Individual member.

03.06.2019 Māris Ozols joins the CanCham as an Associate member.
29.05.2019 The CanCham Medical Insurance Offer registration deadline has been extended to June 15th, 2019. This offer applies to CanCham members who require medical insurance or who wish to change their current provider. If you are interested in receiving more information, please fill out the form at
28.05.2019 br.ook interior architecture joins the CanCham as a Business member. 
24.05.2019 The Exupery International School upgrades its CanCham membership to the Corporate Contributing Member level, becoming the first member to do so. We thank the Exupery International School for its support.
23.05.2019 We welcome Arnis Markitants, as a Destination Management Coordinator providing Market Entry / Trade Facilitation and Tourism services. Arnis is located in Toronto, Canada and specializes in Canada and Latvia. For more information, please see, and contact Arnis at

23.05.2019 We welcome Lucy Damiani of ROOK Media Inc., as a Destination Management Coordinator providing Market Entry / Trade Facilitation, and Tourism & Concierge services. Lucy is located in Toronto, Canada and specializes in Canada, Central Asia, Belarus and the Middle East. For more information, please see, https://www.Rookmedia.org and contact                                     Lucy at

22.05.2019 CanCham’s Ladies’ Night at the Spa on Friday, June 7th at 18.00 at the Baltic Beach Hotel is open for registrations. 


22.05.2019 CanCham’s “Speed Dating” Networking event is open for registrations. Get to know the CanCham members and friends at Singh’s Restaurant on Ģertrūdas iela. Monday, June 3 at 18.30.


20.05.2019 CanCham Medical Insurance Offer for June 1st, 2019. This offer applies to CanCham members who require medical insurance or who wish to change their current provider. If you are interested in receiving more information, please fill out the form at

20.05.2019 Open Day at Exupery International School: Wednesday, May 22, 17.00 - Exupery International School is going to host an Open Day for the families of prospective applicants. Don't miss an opportunity to meet the school team and see Exupery beautiful campus!
16.05.2019 The Report on CanCham’s Knowledge Services Group meeting on May 15th has been posted.
15.05.2019 The Report on CanCham’s Focus on Canada and the Canadian Embassy with H.E. Kevin Rex, Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia on Monday, May 13th has been posted.
10.05.2019 Last call for CanCham’s Focus on Canada and the Canadian Embassy with H.E. Kevin Rex, Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia on Monday, May 13th at 18.30 at the Mercure Riga Centre Hotel, Elizabetes 101 Please register at if you wish to attend. Further information about this event can be found at
05.05.2019 We welcome Julie O'Donohue, Principal at Exupery International School,, as Knowledge Services Group Leader This is a group representing those providing educational or consulting services. Julie will chair the first committee meeting on the group on Wednesday, May 15 at 15.00 at the Exupery International School, Jaunā iela 8, Piņķi, Babītes pagasts. Those interested in participating in this group’s activities please contact Julie directly.

08.05.2019 Thomas Bartley joins the CanCham as an Associate member.

03.05.2019 CanCham's Healthcare and Medical Tourism Group committee meeting took place on May 2nd chaired by Una Brūna, Executive Director at Latvian American Eye Center and CanCham’s Healthcare & Pharmaceutical, Medical Tourism Group Leader. For details, please contact Una directly. Those interested in working at the committee level are invited to contact either Una or Ed.
28.04.2019 Registrations open for CanCham's Focus on Canada and the Canadian Embassy with H.E. Kevin Rex, Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia on Monday, May 13th at 18.30 at the Mercure Riga Centre Hotel.
26.06.2019 We welcome Jelena Razdorova, Business Development Manager as a Destination Management Coordinator providing Market Entry / Trade Facilitation, Investment Consulting and Medical Tourism services. Jelena is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and specializes in Canada, Latvia, Taiwan and Japan.
24.04.2019 We welcome Aira Darzins-Chapman of the ARD Trading Consulting Agency as a Destination Management Coordinator providing Market entry and Trade facilitation services. Aira is located Huntsville, Ontario, Canada and specializes in Canada and Latvia. 
23.04.2019 In order to develop CanCham’s DMC (Destination Management Coordinator) initiative, the Healthcare / Medical Tourism, Export and Trade Facilitation, and the Construction Related Services Groups are forming committees that will be meeting on a regular (monthly) basis to develop action plans to promote the services of CanCham members, and to meet the objective of the CanCham by seeking business opportunities internationally. Members wishing to participate in these committees are invited to contact the Group Leaders or Board Members.
16.04.2019 An invitation for Easter from CanCham’s Corporate member Baltic Beach Hotel.
09.04.2019 CanCham’s DMC (Destination Management Coordinator) initiative was launched on March 26th, 2019 at the dinner with the Prime Minister of Latvia, Krišjānis Kariņš. A description of how the DMC system works has been posted in the CanCham web site, along with the applicable policy. We are now in the implementation phase connecting DMC’s to our members.

08.04.2019 CanCham Focus on Canada and the Canadian Embassy with H.E. Kevin Rex, Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia has been rescheduled to Monday, May 13 at 18.30, from April 15th, 2019. Venue TBD.

28.03.2019 The Report on “Latvia as a Commercial Hub” with Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš was issued. 
28.03.2019 Print eXpress joins the CanCham as a Business member.

            26.03.2019 Latvian Shipping Hawks renews its Business membership.


18.03.2019  Smart Continent LV – Ekoterm renews its Individual membership. 
15.03.2019 Alīna Samīte joins the CanCham as an Individual member.
11.03.2019 The Baltic Beach Hotel joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
11.03.2019 Registrations begin for the CanCham dinner “Latvia as a Commercial Hub with Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš and Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs on Tuesday, March 26th, 2019 at 18.00 at the Radisson Blu Latvija Hotel”.

15.02.2019 Continett renews its CanCham membership as a Business member.


15.02.2019 The Report on CanCham’s Focus on Export was issued.


14.02.2019 CBRE Baltics joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.

14.02.2019 The Report on CanCham's Focus on Construction Related Services was issued.
29.01.2019 CanCham’s Focus on Healthcare and Strategic Partners on Monday, February 18th at 18.30 at the Unity Business Centre, 109 Vienības gatve is open for registrations.

25.01.2019 Satori Alfa joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.

 23.01.2019 AmberWork joins the CanCham as a Business member.
02.01.2019 The CanCham Implementation Strategy for 2019 is issued for discussion purposes as a guide for the next year’s activities.
 27.12.2018 Exupery International School joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.  
14.12.2018 Circle K renews its Corporate membership.
09.12.2018 The Report on CanCham Christmas 2018 – supporting “Nāc līdzās!” was issued. We are pleased to have raised €1,320 for Fonds Nāc līdzās, €300 of which was donated by our member Zemnieku saimniecība Medīgas and €1,020 from raffle ticket sales. Thanks to all who supported the effort. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
04.12.2018 Inta Consulting renews its individual membership.
04.12.2018 Granitops upgrades their membership from Individual to Corporate.
30.11.2018 Latvia Dental renews its Business membership.
30.11.2018 VestaFume renews its Business membership.
29.11.2018 Baiba Liepiņa renews her Associate membership.
28.11.2018 R Birojs renews its Corporate membership.
27.11.2018 Divine Heat renews its Business membership.
27.11.2018 Kronbergs Čukste Levin renews its Corporate membership.
21.11.2018 Kavitvana joins the CanCham as an Individual member.

20.11.2018 Business after hours with Bite Latvia in a Joint Chamber event with the Irish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia, Thursday, November 22nd, 2018 is SOLD OUT. Registration no longer being accepted.

12.11.2018 The Report on Focus on Trade with Canada with Dr. Brent McKenzie, Associate Professor at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada and sponsored by the Canadian Embassy was issued.
02.11.2018 Registrations open for CanCham’s Focus on Trade with Canada with Dr. Brent McKenzie, Associate Professor at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada Sponsored by the Canadian Embassy in Latvia.  
02.11.2018 The Report on CanCham’s Focus on Exports and Strategic Partners was issued.

01.11.2018 Registrations open for the CanCham Christmas.


01.11.2018 Registrations open for the Bite Business After Hours event for CanCham members and CAF personnel only. 


12.10.2018 The Canadian Embassy invites members and friends to attend EUCAN 2018.


03.10.2018 The Report on CanCham’s Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner 2018 was issued.


03.10.2018 The report on the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia Annual General Meeting was issued.

24.09.2018 The Report on CanCham’s Participation in the V International East Baltic Business Forum in Daugavpils from September 20th to the 21st, 2018 was issued.
14.09.2018 The Report for CanCham’s Focus on Exports and Strategic Partners was issued.
10.09.2018 The International School of Riga joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
 10.09.2018 Jauna Forma joins the CanCham as a Business member.

09.09.2018 The Notice and Agenda for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia has been sent to members. It will take place at 18.30 on October 1st, 2018 at the RBS.


03.09.2018 SilvEXPO renews its Business membership.


26.08.2018 Registrations open for CanCham’s Focus on Exports and Strategic Partners on Monday, September 10 at 18.30 at the Unity Business Centre, 109 Vienības gatve. Register here


23.08.2018 Who should the Diaspora vote for? (Par ko balsot diasporai?). Political debate on in Latvian on Tuesday, August 28th, 2018. Register here:

21.08.2018 PK Serviss renews its Corporate membership.
15.08.2018 Rohit Madaan joins the CanCham as an Individual member.
01.08.2018 CanCham Corporate member Prime Recruitment seeks an Administrative Manager for another  CanCham Corporate member 

PK Service, a construction services company. 


31.07.2018 Energolukss renews its Corporate membership.


22.07.2018 The upcoming events calendar has been updated.

09.07.2018 Singh’s Indian Restaurant and Bar renews their senior corporate member level. We thank Singh’s for the support.

09.07.2018 The report on CanCham’s Canada Day celebration was issued.  

06.07.2018  Leinonen joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
 01.07.2018 Ričards Stūris joins the CanCham as an Individual member.
 28.06.2018 Ozols America (Richard Hunter) joins the CanCham as an Individual member.

26.06.2018 Siemens renews its Corporate membership.


22.06.2018 Volko Engineering renews its Business membership.


21.06.2018 Mercure Riga Centre Hotel renews its Corporate membership.

19.06.2018 Cannelle Bakery renews its Business membership.

19.06.2018 Prime Recruitment renews its corporate membership.

18.06.2018 Zvērināta Advokāta Paula Jansona Birojs (lawyer) renews its Individual membership. 

18.06.2018 Gosselin Mobility renews its Business membership.


15.06.2018 The Latvian American Eye Centre renews its Business membership.


15.06.2018 Indian Raja Restaurant renews its Corporate membership.


14.06.18 Focus on Restaurants and Dining: CanCham members are pleased to welcome visitors for unique dining experiences in Riga.

  • Singh's Restaurant
  • Mercure Riga Centre Hotel
  • Grand Palace Hotel
  • Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel
  • Indian Raja
  • Radisson Blu Latvija Hotel
  • Trompete

 14.06.2018 Vaderstad renews its Corporate membership.
 14.06.2018 BG Real Estate renews its Business membership.

13.06.2018 ISKU renews its Corporate membership.

12.6.2018 Canada Day 2018 (July 1st) registrations starts.

 Vladimirs    12.06.2019 Vladimirs Čamāns renews his Business membership

07.06.2018 The report on the CanCham’s Focus on Canada and the Canadian Embassy with H.E. Alain Hausser Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia issued

29.05.18 Focus on Medical Services: For visitors to Latvia – Latvia offers competent medical services at democratic prices. If the need arises or you wish to take advantage of the benefits, visit CanCham members for reliable service.
  • Latvia Dental - Dentistry
  • Latvian American Eye Center - Eye care 
  • ALma Clinic - Family doctor's private practice
  • Dr. Barloti - medical tourism
29.05.2018 An invitation to Canadians in Canada. The CanCham is looking for strategic partners for its members.

28.05.2018 airBaltic orders 60 Bombardier CSeries CS300’s

25.05.2018 Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia (CanCham) - Privacy and Personal Data Policy comes into effect.
18.05.2018 Information published about CanCham’s Focus on Canada and the Canadian Embassy with H.E. Alain Hausser, Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia on Monday, June 4th at 18.30 at the  Mercure Riga Centre Hotel, Elizabetes 101
15.05.2018 LaNoDe joins the CanCham as a Business member.

14.05.2018 The report on the CanCham’s Focus on Energy, Economics and Politics with Krisjanis Karins was issued.

05.05.2018 Reminder about CanCham Focus on Energy, Economics and Politics with Krisjanis Karins, Wednesday, May 9, at 14.00 at Singh’s Restaurant. Register

03.05.2018 Aerones joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.

17.04.2018 Bravissimo joins the CanCham as a Business member.
 11.04.2018 Web Media Kings joins the CanCham as a Corporate member. 

09.04.2018 The report on the CanCham’s Focus on Money, with Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Minister of Finance was issued. 

04.04.2018 Registrations open for the Joint Chamber Event with the Salvation Army Register her

Sponsorship opportunity:

04.04.2018 Last Call for Focus on Money with the Minister of Finance this Thursday at 18:30 at the Grand Palace. Register here
 28.03.2018 Arms Group renews its membership and upgrades to Corporate. 
18.03.2018 The report on the CanCham’s Focus on Connecting Canada and Latvia with Artis Pabriks issued.
12.03.2018 The report on the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia organized missions was issued.
07.03.2018 Crea Promotion renews its individual membership.
06.03.2018 Džeza Bārs – Trompete renews its Business membership.

05.03.2018 Kronbergs Čukste Derling renews its Corporate membership. 

05.03.2018 Connecting Canada and Latvia – CanCham Easter Business Mission from Canada to Riga
Information about the mission can be found in . Registering interest for participating at Any questions or comments – please write to Ed Kalvins at
  • for expressing interest – Monday, March 12th, 2018,
  • registering for the mission – Friday, March 16th, 2018.

01.03.2018 H. E. Kārlis Eihenbaums, Ambassador of Latvia to Canada, endorses the “Connecting Canada and Latvia” initiative of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia which brings value-added benefits for Latvian companies entering the Canadian market and Canadian companies investing in Latvia’s future.


16.02.2018 ZS Medigas joins the CanCham as an Individual member.

15.02.2018 Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel renews its Corporate membership.


13.02.2018 Bite joins the CanCham as a Senior Corporate member

11.02.2018 LPKS Rūjienas oga joins the CanCham as a Business member. 


11.02.2018 Canada to Riga Business Mission between Thursday, March 29th to Sunday, April 8th 2018 program updated with visits to the Latvian Parliament, Circle K Business Centre and airBaltic, and reception at the Canadian Embassy in Latvia. 

 09.02.2018 Report on Creating Visibility issued.
29.01.2018 H. E. Alain Hausser, Ambassador of Canada to Latvia, endorses the “Connecting Canada and Latvia” initiative of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia and fully supports its objectives to develop strategic partnerships between the business community in Canada and the same in Latvia in order to promote economic activity between the two countries, and in particular, to take advantage of the benefits offered by the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement known as CETA.
19.01.2018 Connecting Canada and Latvia. The CanCham is preparing for two business missions:
- Canada to Riga between Thursday, March 29th to Sunday, April 8th 2018.
   - Register your interest at
- Riga to Canada between Wednesday, May 9th to Thursday, May 17th, 2018
   - Register your interest at
For more information, contact Ed Kalvins at

15.01.2018 Circle K renews its Corporate membership.


15.01.2018 The CanCham wishes the musical bar and restaurant Trompete a Happy 2nd birthday as the occasion was celebrated with the  JOKER DIXIE +Jam Session. 

10.01.2018 airBaltic Corporation renews its Corporate membership.
29.12.2017 Latvian Shipping Hawks renews its Business membership.
28.12.2017 Radisson Blu Latvia Conference & Spa Hotel renews its Corporate membership. 
28.12.2017 Inta Consulting renews its individual membership.
14.12.2017 Enjoy the Festive Season at the Grand Palace Hotel. 

14.12.2017 The CanCham Christmas supporting “Nāc Līdzās!” on December 8th has come and gone and the report issued. Please check to see the main donors at

08.12.2017 X-Infotech renews its Corporate membership.

07.12.2017 CanCham Newsletter released.

06.12.2017 Baiba Liepina renews her Associate membership.

05.12.2017 Normunds Medens renews his individual membership.  

05.12.2017 Arvīds Godjuks renews his individual membership.


01.12.2017 Latvia Dental renews its Business membership. 

30.11.2017 SilvEXPO renews its Business membership.

30.11.2017 Smart Continent LV – Ekoterm renews its Individual membership. 

23.11.2017 Report on the occasion of the National Day of Romania. 
17.11.2017 VestaFume renews its Business membership. 
14.11.2017 Report on Expert Seminar on Accounting with R Birojs on “the new (2018) tax law and its implications on business".

12.11.2017 JLB Consulting joins the CanCham as a Business member.

09.11.2017 R Birojs renews its Corporate membership.
 09.11.2017 Report on Riga Comm 2017, opening ceremony at the Taiwan booth. 
05.11.2017 A new schedule of events has been posted.

10.11.2017 Report on the on the meeting between Altum and Cancham on Financing Development issued.


02.11.2017 It has become a CanCham tradition to celebrate the Christmas season by thinking about those in less fortunate than ourselves. As we did last year, we will be supporting  “Nāc līdzās!” (Come along!) which supports children and young people with disabilities to integrate into society, and helps their parents’ understand the problems that they face. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga is the patroness of the charity. See If you would like to donate a gift for our raffle, please see To register for the event, please visit 


02.11.2017 CanCham Group Leaders meeting. To register visit

01.11.2017 The CanCham congratulates Kalupe ( on it’s 60th anniversary and its owner, Tālis Kivlenieks, for keeping up the traditions of creating artistic jewellery utilizing ethnographic folk elements started by his parents in Toronto in 1957.
30.10.2017 Expert Seminar on “the new tax law and its implications for your business" with R Birojs at the Riga Business School on November 13th, Monday, 18.00 - announced. Register here -
25.10.2017 Report on the October Seed Forum in Riga (for start-ups). 
11.10.2017 Report on CanCham’s Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner issued.
Alda Zeiļa joins the CanCham as an Individual member. 
09.10.2017 FF INTERNATIONAL MOVERS joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
08.10.2017 Financing Development: CanCham members sent a notice / survey enquiring as to what members would are interesting in meeting with an Altum representative to answer questions and concerns and possibly get closer to obtaining financial support for projects, working capital, etc. For information, write to Inta Cinīte at
 06.10.2017 Report on the occasion of the 106th ROC National Day celebrations.
 04.10.2017 Andrejs Šķesters joins the CanCham as an Associate member.
 03.10.2017 Report on CanCham’s AGM issued. 
 02.10.2017 Alus Nams (Brālis Brewery) renews its Corporate membership. 
 02.10.2017 Divine Heat renews its membership and upgrades to Business. 
02.10.2017 Amber Pool renews its Business membership.
02.10.2017 Milad Asdaghi joins the CanCham as an Individual member.
27.09.2017 Registrations being taken for the Canadian Thanksgiving dinner at the Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel, with guest speaker, Col Josh Major, MSM, CD, Commander, Task Force Latvia, Canadian Armed Forces. Register here:
27.09.2017 Report on Connecting Canada and Latvia - meetings between CanCham representatives and potential business partners in Toronto issued.
27.09.2017 VPH (Venturecorp Property Holdings Limited) joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
15.09.2017 Inta Cinīte representing CanCham attends the reception in honour of the visit of the Honourable George J. Furey Q.C., Speaker of the Senate, and a Parliamentary Delegation to Latvia. 
10.09.2017 Information sent to members about the AGM (Annual General Meeting) scheduled for Monday, October 2nd at 18.40 at the Riga Business School. Please register your attendance here

09.09.2017 Report on Business after hours with Circle K Latvia at the Circle K Business Center issued.

04.09.2017 All Logo Chocolate (Luxus Chocolate) joins the CanCham as a Business member. 
01.09.2017 MON Projekts joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
24.08.2017 renews its Corporate membership. 

22.08.2017 Information for CanCham members and those interested in doing business with Canada. We are presenting the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia to the Canadian business community in Toronto on September 19th, 2017.

11.08.2017 Alma family doctor's private practice joins the CanCham as a Business member. 

11.08.2017 Engineering company mission to Canada and the "Construct Canada" exhibition in Toronto on November 27th, 2017 organized by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia

06.08.2017 Registrations open for the reception at the Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre at 4 Credit Union Drive, Toronto on Tuesday, September 19th, 2017 at 18.00.

06.08.2017 Registrations open for the Business After Hours with Circle K (ex Statoil) on Tuesday, September 5th, at 17.00.

31.01.2017 Kārlis Sarkans renews his Individual membership.
30.07.2017 The Report on Business after hours with airBaltic, Monday, July 24, 17:00 – 19:00 (Riga time) has been issued.
 27.07.2017 Zvērināta Advokāta Paula Jansona Birojs renews its Individual membership.
26.07.2017 18.05.2015 Volko Engineering renews its Business membership.
20.07.2017 Grand Palace Hotel renews its Corporate membership.
 airBaltic Business After Hours sold out

21.07.2017 – CanCham reception at the Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre at 4 Credit Union Drive, Toronto regarding business opportunities with Latvia. Attendance by invitation only has been set for Tuesday, September 19th, 2017 at 18.00. Please contact Ed Kalvins at ed/ if interested in attending.


2.07.2017 CanCham’s Chairman, Ed Kalvins, will be in Toronto from Wednesday, September 13th to Thursday, September 21st, 2017 meeting with potential business partners for CanCham members. Subjects for discussion include import/export possibilities, strategic partnerships and investments. Members interested in cooperation with Canada should contact Ed Kalvins at to advise of their interests.


11.07.2017 Singh’s Indian Restaurant and Bar upgrades to senior corporate member level and becomes the first CanCham member in this category. We thank Singh’s for the support. 

07.07.2017 CanCham’s Corporate member, Radisson Blu Latvia Conference & Spa Hotel of the Rezidor Hotel Group, announces that Michael Jacobi, (formerly General Manager of the Radisson Blu Latvia Conference & Spa Hotel) has been appointed as the Regional Director for the Baltics and Ukraine as of July 1, 2017. He is responsible for all 18 Rezidor properties in the Baltic states and Ukraine. Meanwhile, Gerhard Erasmus has been appointed as the General Manager for the Radisson Blu Latvia Conference & Spa hotel, while the Radisson Blu Elizabete and Radisson Blu Ridzene from now on will be managed by the new General Manager, George Miu.
07.07.2017 The CanCham Chairman will be in Canada from September 13th to the 20th for meetings with Canadian business partners who could be interested in business opportunities in Latvia or Northern Europe. These opportunities could include export/import, investments, establishing businesses or seeking strategic partners. Interested parties please contact Ed Kalvins at
06.07.2017 The invitation to Business after hours with airBaltic, Monday, July 24, 17:00 – 19:00 (Riga time) has been issued. 

02.07.2017 The Report on Canada’s 150th birthday with the CanCham in Latvia has been issued.




The CanCham wishes all its members and friends a joyful Līgo festival to experience the Midsummer Night's Magic, together with a beautiful and song filled summer solstice holiday!

Lai visiem līksmi Līgosvētki un izdodas sajust Jāņu nakts burvību!!!
Novēlam skaistus un skanīgus vasaras saulgriežu svētkus!

17.06.2017 review of on Celebrating Latvia – a warm up to “Jāņi” with a plant tour of the Brālis Brewery has been posted. 

14.06.2017 Happy Birthday Brālis: The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia wishes CanCham’s Corporate Member Brālis (brewery “Brother”) a “Happy Birthday” and thanks them for their excellent product line. Please keep it coming. For those of you who want to wish them well personally, please join us for a plant tour this Friday. Register at, info at

15.06.2017 Prime Recruitment renews its corporate membership.


07.06.2017 A review of “Celebrating Canada” with H.E. Alain Hausser, the Canadian Ambassador to Latvia has been posted.

 05.06.2017 The latest news summary from CanCham.
 01.06.2017 Abens Konsultants joins the CanCham as an Individual member.
  01.06.2017 RIPO INTERNATIONAL Ltd joins the CanCham as a Business member.

30.05.2017 Vladimirs Čamāns joins the CanCham as a Business member. 

Upcomng Events 
June 5th,  Monday, 18.30 – Celebrating Canada
June 16th,  Friday, 15.00 – Celebrating Latvia
July 1st, Saturday, 14.00 – Canada Day
 07.04.2017 ISKU upgrades to Corporate membership. 
09.05.2016 Kalupe joins the CanCham as an Individual member.  
09.05.2017 VERTEXA renews its Corporate membership. 

02.05.2017 PK Serviss renews its Corporate membership.   

 21.04.2017 Vaderstad renews its Corporate membership. 

11.04.2017 A review of “Rail Baltica – project of the century” with Baiba Rubesa has been posted.

 10.04.2017 The latest news summary from CanCham
 07.04.2017 Tele2 joins the CanCham as a Corporate member. 
 07.04.2017 ISKU joins the CanCham as a Business member. 
06.04.2017 Controlit Factory joins the CanCham as a Corporate member. 

The Grand Palace Hotel invites you to enjoy their famous Easter brunch on Sunday, April 16.

Singh’s Restaurant invites you come celebrate Sikhs Vaisakhi Festival (New Years) on April 13th and 14th. Free beer. 

05.04.2017 Prime Recruitment recruiting staff for 4 & 5 star hotels in Cyprus. 


05.04.2017 “Nāc Līdzās!” (Come along) invites you to attend “Lielkoncerts” on April 11th, 2017, at 12.00 at the RSU Aula (Riga Stradinu Hospital Hall). 


31.03.2017 IIZI Brokers joins the CanCham as a Corporate member. 


21.03.2017 Report on “Greens Night” issued.  

10.03.2017 Gosselin Mobility Baltics joins the CanCham as a Business member.  

 09.03.2017 Indian Raja joins the CanCham as a Corporate member. 
 07.03.2017 Report on CanCham PfP Work Group Meetings issued. 
06.03.2017 Continett joins the CanCham as a Corporate member. 
06.03.2017 Dr Barloti joins the CanCham as an Individual member. 
24.02.2017 Report on Taiwan Evening issued.

23.02.2017 CETA ratified by Latvian Saeima (parliament). To date: Canada – ratified by parliament, going through Senate, Needs Royal approval. EU – ratified by EU parliament, needs member state ratification. Latvia #1. Provisions expected to take effect April, 2017.

 17.02.2017 Siemens joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
15.02.2017 CETA approved by the EU parliament. This paves the way for it to take provisional effect once the Canadian Senate gives its green light, expected within weeks. EU governments and Canada’s House of Commons have already given their approval.
01.02.2017 H.E. Alain Hausser, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Latvia presented information about CETA.
          31.01.2017 Cannelle Bakery joins the CanCham as a Business member. 
 30.01.2017 Pjotrs Kurtukovs joins the CanCham as an Individual member.
 27.01.2017 Report on Mobilization issued.
26.02.2017 Energolukss joins the CanCham as a Corporate member. 
25.01.2017 BG Real Estate joins the CanCham as a Business member.
21.01.2017 Statoil Fuel and Retail is now known as Circle-K with the logo change from Statoil to Circle-K.
19.02.2017 CanCham Business member “OTIC” SIA has amalgamated with “ARMS Group” SIA providing construction services. Contact Uldis Kurms for details 
17.01.2-17 Rigers Architect Paegle Project Office renews its Individual  membership. 
16.01.2017 The Latvian American Eye Centre joins the CanCham as a Business member. 
 14.01.2017 We congratulate Trompete on its first anniversary celebration.
 12.01.2017 Statoil Fuel & Retail renews its Corporate membership.
10.01.2017 Arrangements set for “Mobilization” with Artis Pabriks at the Grand Palace Hotel on Thursday, January 26th, 2017 at 18.30. 
10.01.2017 Transcontinental Consulting Company renews its Individual  membership.
 05.01.2017 Latvia Dental renews its Business membership.
 03.01.2017 Websoftsites renews its Corporate membership. 
30.12.2016 Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
 28.12.2016 Kronbergs Čukste Derling renews its Corporate membership. 
07.12.2016 The CanCham Christmas supporting “Nāc Līdzās!” has come and gone. Read the report at and see who the sponsors were at
30.11.2016 Latvian Shipping Hawks join the CanCham as a Business member.
30.11.2016 Vides Eksperti join the CanCham as a Business member.
29.11.2016 Inta Consulting joins the CanCham as an Individual member.  
28.11.2016 The CanCham has activated its Business Development Groups. Group leaders are identified in Their task will be to help members find clients.
25.11.2016 Air Baltic Corporation joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
25.11.2016 Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
25.11.2016 Eriks Seminovs joins the CanCham as an Individual member.
15.11.2016 Trompete Restaurant joins the CanCham as a Business member
06.11.2016 Information updated for “Flying to Canada? Learn about Canada’s new entry requirements!” see
04.11.2016 The report for the “Making the economy work for us” – with Latvia’s Economics Minister, Arvils Ašeradens is available at and 
02.11.2016 joins the CanCham as a Business member
31.10.2016 Granitops joins the CanCham as an Individual / small business member.  
30.10.2016 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and European leaders today signed the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement known as CETA, after seven years of negotiation. CETA will be a major discussion point with Latvia’s Economics Minister, Arvils Ašeradens, at CanCham’s Wednesday, November 3rd, event at the Radisson Latvia Hotel – see
27.10.2016 Latest on CETA  - back on track. Approved by Belgium. see
26.10.2016 CanCham planning Christmas event on Monday, December 5th. Details later. We welome members and friends.
19.10.2016 We are preparing for the November 3rd event with the Economics Minister. Three members have the opportunity to present their companies. For details, write to
19.10.2016 Singh’s Indian Restaurant and Bar joins the CanCham as a Corporate member  
13.10.2016 Ed Kalvins, participated in the Seed Forum Investor Networking event. See 
13.10.2016 The CanCham congratulates our corporate member X Infotech on its 10th anniversary.
11.10.2016 The report for the Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner is available at and
07.10.2016 CanCham representatives participated in the Taipei Mission in Latvia reception celebrating the 105th anniversary of the Republic of China. See 
 05.10.2016 MUSA Race Land joins the CanCham as a Corporate member.
Normunds Medens, providing real estate services, joins the CanCham as an Individual member,
05.10.2016 Preparation are underway for the Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner next Monday, October 10th, with Juris Audariņš. See
04.10.2016 The CanCham elected a new Board and Audit Committee at it’s Annual General Meeting on October 3rd. Details at
23.09.2016 A review of the NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia - Providing Security for Business Growth and Investments luncheon event is posted at 
12.09.2016 Information regarding the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the CanCham has been sent to members. Please register your attendance here - If members did not receive the information, please let us know at
12.09.2016 The CanCham is co-hosting the Business Lunch NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia - Providing Security for Business Growth and Investments on September 22nd, Thursday, 11.30. 
08.09.2016 CanCham member Olga Melnikova of CREA Promotion invites all to “Shakespeare lives in Films 2016”, See
08.09.2016 A review of the “Launch of CanCham’s Governance Program”” event has been posted and
07.09.2016 Ivonna Bradley, providing real estate services, joins the CanCham as an Individual member,
06.09.2016 HAPPy joins the CanCham as a Business member
02.09.2016 Guna Skangale joins the CanCham as an Associate member.
01.09.2016 X-Infotech joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
31.08.2016 Today’s edition of the Partnership for Profit (PfP) orientation: Henrik Mjoman (Prime Recruitment), Lorens Levickis (VipAuto PLUS), Stefan Westberg (Divine Heat /NIBE), Karina Krivorota (Grand Palace Hotel), Dace Kavasa (Evolve1x2x3), Nikita Kocanovs (OBERON), Kristaps Loze (Loze & Partneri), and Ed Kalvins (Technical Partners). Next session – September 14th.
31.08.2016 Irina Tokmakova invites members to a boat trip she is organizing on September 3rd. See and Boat trip
30.08.2016 VestaFume TLG joins the CanCham as a Business member.
28.08.2016 The CanCham invites its members to present their company at CanCham events. See details at
26.08.2016 The CanCham is co-hosting the NATO Business Lunch with the international and local business community together with the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia and the American Chamber of Commerce in Latvia on September 22nd, Thursday, 12.00.
25.08.2016 Today’s Partnership for Profit (PfP) orientation graduating class: Atis Riekstiņš (GTD Europe), Imants Stonans (Hi-Fab), Henrik Mjoman (Prime Recruitment), Iļja Djadjura (VIS Brokerhouse), Janis Loze (LOZE & PARTNERS), Eduards Bukovskis (Secure), and Ed Kalvins (Technical Partners). Next session – August 31st. See 
24.08.2016 Today’s Partnership for Profit (PfP) orientation graduating class: Romans Astapovs (Print Group), Henrik Mjoman (Prime Recruitment), Natalie Malina, (Latvia Dental), Dzintra Renigere (R Birojs), Anda Vilemsone (Latvian-American Eye Centre), Jelena Razdorova (X-Infotech), Antons Maximovs (Latvia Dental) and Ed Kalvins (Technical Partners).
23.08.2016 R Birojs joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
20.08.2016 A “Dienas Bizness” interview with Kārlis Eihenbaums, the new Latvian Ambassador to Canada (in Latvian). DB intervija ar KE
19.08.2016 The Riga German School is looking for a native English speaker interested in teaching weekly 2 hours of beginner English to a small group of six year old children. If interested, please contact
18.08.2016 The Partnership for Profit program orientation for members scheduled for August 24th has been sold out. August 25th and 31st still available. See
14.08.2016 Upcoming events updated today. See Partnership for Profit program orientation for members scheduled for August 24th, Wednesday, 16.00, and the Launch of the Governance Program takes place on September 7th, Wednesday.
20.07.2016 The Exports, Investments, Strategic Partners, and meet the new Latvian Ambassador to Canada event at the Pullman Hotel was a roaring success with attendance pushing the 50 mark. See and
11.07.2016 Attaché Baltique joins the CanCham as a Business member
11.07.2016 The Canadian Embassy maple tree planting ceremony in Bastion Hill park (Bastejkalna parkā) to commemorate the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the re-establishment of Canada-Latvia diplomatic relations with Canadian Foreign Minister, Stéphane Dion and Latvian Foreign Ministry State Secretary Andrej Pildegovičs.
10.07.2016 Next CanCham event - Exports, Investments, Strategic Partners, and meet the new Latvian Ambassador to Canada at the CanCham Business Development Forum on July 19th, Tuesday, 18.30 at the Pullman Riga Old Town Hotel. See
07.07.2016 The Canadian Embassy reception at the Latvian National Museum of Art on the occasion of Canada Day and the 25th anniversary of the re-establishment of Canada-Latvia diplomatic relations.
01.07.2016 CanCham celebrated Canada’s 149th birthday at the Grand Palace Hotel 
01.07.2016 A Forestry and Wood processing forum (see FORUM) will be taking place in Vancouver on September 21-24, 2016 as part of Demo International - 2016 Our partners CERBA Vancouver would be happy with a side program arrangements for the incoming Baltic companies. If interested, contact the CanCham at  
21.06.2016 LOZE & PARTNERS joins the CanCham as a Business member  
19.06.2016 Sam Davidovich, the CanCham Board Member in Canada, attended a Canadian Council for the Americas event featuring a presentation from The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of International Trade.
19.06.2016 The CanCham invites its members and friends to the CanCham Canada Day event at the Grand Palace Hotel Please pass the word to Canadians visiting Latvia. 
17.06.2016 A review of the “Development Opportunities and Business Environment in Riga” event has been posted @ and and invitations sent out for Canada Day on July 1st. Members and friends welcome.
08.06.2016 PRIME Recruitment is looking for a Hotel General Manager Reward being offer for help.
08.06.2016 CanCham member „Baltijas Helikopters” ( on the opening of the first certified helicopter terminal in Riga.
07.06.2016 CanCham networking at the Team Finland garden Party at the Finnish Embassy. 
07.06.2016 CanCham and CERBA ( have entered into a cooperation agreement which covers projects, investment, strategic partners and general cooperation. Members interested in participating in such cooperation should inform the Board.
26.05.2016 Creating Visibility with STENDERS, the Canadian Embassy, Information Presentation specialists, Prime Recruitment and Technical Partners,
26.05.2016 Fusion Agency joins the CanCham as a Individual member
21.05.2016 Antica Roma renews its Individual membership
18.05.2015 Volko Engineering joins the CanCham as a Business member
15.05.2016 Prime Recruitment renews its Corporate membership
26.04.2016 Alus Nams joins the CanCham as a Corporate member 
26.04.2016 GTD Europe joins the CanCham as a Individual member.
15.04.2016 IBC PRINT BALTIC SIA joins the CanCham as a Corporate member 
11.04.2016 AMBER POOL joins the CanCham as a Business member 
11.04.2016 Irina Tokmakova joins the CanCham as a Individual member   
06.04.2016 ZVĒRINĀTA ADVOKĀTA PAULA JANSONA BIROJS joins the CanCham as a Individual member 
05.04.2016 AHG joins the CanCham as a Business member 
29.03.2016 VERTEXA joins the CanCham as a Corporate member  
22.03.2016 Larry Chilton joins the CanCham as a Individual member.
20.03.2016 Riga Candles joins the CanCham as an Individual member
19.03.2016 Baltic Design Workx joins the CanCham as an Individual member
18.03.2016 OBERON company group joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
18.03.2016 Baltijas Helikopters joins the CanCham as an Individual member
15.03.2016 "Grand Palace Hotel" in Riga has been nominated in 3 categories for the prestigious «World Travel Awards» award. See Go to to vote for our corporate member. 
14.03.2016 Notifications mailed for the Partnering for Profit program forum about “Financing Development”. See
14.03.2016 The Economic Freedom Seminar that will take place on March 24th, Thursday at 15.00. See Economic Freedom Seminar.
10.03.2016 Henrik Mjoman is pleased to announce that Prime Recruitment has moved to new offices at Brivibas 217. See
10.03.2015 Vaderstad joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
09.03.2016 The Embassy of Canada in Latvia has the pleasure to invite you to the 5th Francophone Film Days and to the screening of the captivating Canadian drama (2015) “La Passion d'Augustine” by Léa Pool. The film is in French with English subtitles and Latvian simultaneous translation.  
07.03.2016 Four CanCham members attend the BACC (Baltic & Arab Chamber of Commerce) to explore cooperation with Arab countries, and in particuar, Saudi Arabia and
07.03.2016 BioMark joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
04.03.2016 Steinart Consulting joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
01.03.2016 E-Bags upgrades to corporate member level
29.02.2016 PK Serviss joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
24.02.2016 Mercure Riga Centre by Deal Top"> Hotel offers discounts to members. 
24.02.2016 The Embassy of Canada in Latvia will participate at the International education fair "SKOLA 2016" taking place from February 26 – 28 at Kipsala Exhibition Hall in Riga (Street Kipsalas 8). “SKOLA 2016” is the biggest and most popular annual international education event for participants and more than 17000 (number of visitors in 2015) students, parents, teachers and guidance counsellors. For Canada, “SKOLA 2016” is a major promotional opportunity to attract high quality students and young professionals, and to make Canada a part of students’ long term plans. For more information, please visit:
24.02.2016 On February 18th, the first Statoil Fuel & Retail convenience store in Latvia opened its doors In the heart of Riga’s Old Town at Vaļņu iela 11. For additional info please see Statoil Vestule LV and Statoil Letter ENG.  
21.02.2016 Next event - March 9th, Wednesday, Business After Hours at Latvia Dental
18.02.2016 CanCham member EkoMed begins fundraising campaign for innovation investment project.
16.02.2016 Smart Continent LV – Ekoterm joins the CanCham as an Individual member
11.02.2016 by Deal Top"> Grand Palace Hotel joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
11.02.2016 Ozollapas joins the CanCham as an Individual member
08.02.2016 ALLIKS un PARTNERI joins the CanCham as an Individual member 
08.02.2016 Are you a Canadian dual citizen flying back to Canada?  As of March 15, 2016 you will be required to travel with your Canadian passport! see
2.02.2016 The invitation for the Meet the Members networking and socializing event at Antica Roma – Italian Restaurant is out - see to register. Friends - this is your chance to find out what makes the CanCham good for business. 
01.02.2016 OTIC joins the CanCham as a Business member
29.01.2016 Kārlis Sarkans joins the CanCham as an Individual member
29.01.2016 Partnership for Profit orientation program underway. Members can chose suitable dates. See
25.01.2016 Invitations to the Partnership for Profit program will be sent out to members only in the next two days.
14.01.2016 Dinner with Artis Pabriks on the topic of EU-Canada free-trade agreement (CETA). Main message for Latvian small and medium sized companies – this is for you. A review of the event can be found at and
14.01.2016 SilvEXPO joins the CanCham as a Business member  
14.01.2016 joins the CanCham as a Corporate member 
13.01.2016 Areto Development joins the CanCham as an Individual member 
13.01.2016 Gints Turlajs joins the CanCham as an Associate member
13.01.2016 Apdares Studija joins the CanCham as an Individual member
08.01.2016 Crea Promotion joins the CanCham as an Individual member
04.01.2016 Mercure Riga Centre by Deal Top"> Hotel joins the CanCham as a Corporate member 
09.12.2015 E. Kalvins and I. Sproģe-Kalviņa meet Antonio Sugaroni of Antica Roma ( to discuss upcoming events in 2016.
06.12.2015 EkoMed joins the CanCham as an Individual member  
05.12.2015 The Canadian Embassy help a Canada table at the International Women’s Club (IWC) 19th International Charity Christmas Bazaar supported with donations from CanCham members Canadian Harold Bulmanis, GM of SIA “Suncrisp” and the Sport Club Drostalas CanCham members Dr Natalija Orlova (Latvia Dental / Dental Estetika) teamed up with Henrik Mjoman of Prime Recruitment  and Svešvalodu kursi to show kids how to make tooth paste
30.11.2015 SP IMPIANTI joins the CanCham as an Individual member   
30.11.2015 Drostalas joins the CanCham as an Individual member  
23.11.2015 E. Kalvins and H. Mjoman meet with Taipei Mission representatives to discuss cooperation between the CanCham and Taiwan.
23.11.2015 Statoil Fuel & Retail joins the CanCham as a Corporate member
11.11.2015 Baltic Zenith joins the CanCham as an Individual member
05.11.2015 The Canadian Ambassador to the Republic of Latvia and Honorary Chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia, H.E. Alain Hausser, hosted a post-election event at the Canadian Embassy.
04.11.2015 Ilvars Pētersons joins the CanCham as an Individual member
04.11.2015 Terance Glossop joins the CanCham as an Associate member
 04.11.2015 Baiba Liepina joins the CanCham as an Associate member
04.11.2015 Dental Estetika joins the CanCham as an by Deal Top"> Business member 
04.11.2015 Divine Heat joins the CanCham as an Individual member
01.11.2015 E-bags joins the CanCham as an Individual member  
19.10.2015 E. Kalvins meets with H.E. A. Hausser and I. Cirule of the Canadian Embassy to review CanCham – Embassy cooperation.
23.09.2015 The CanCham Annual General Meeting resulted in the baton of Chairmanship being passed on to Ed Kalvins. Members of the Board (Directors) include Valters Kronbergs, Irena Cirule, Indra Sproģe-Kalviņa and Sam Davidovich. The Audit Committee is made up of Henrik Mjoman, Harijs Ozols and Juris Paegle.
21.05.2015 Antica Roma joins the CanCham as an Individual member
21.05.2015 Pauls Miklasevics joins the CanCham as an Individual member
15.05.2015 Prime Recruiting joins the CanCham as an Individual member 
14.05.2015 Sun International Recycling joins the CanCham as a Corporate member



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