Christmas 2021 |
In recognition of the fact that a significant number of our membership do not have COVID-19 certificates, we will not be having our regular in-person CanCham Christmas celebration. We are, however, considering something more appropriate for the times between Christmas and New Years based on prevailing covid regulations during this period. Members will be notified accordingly. CanCham has, in the past, organized CanCham Christmas to support Nāc līdzās, the Foundation Come Along! This year, the charity event will take place place in a virtual environment. The donated funds will go to the Foundation Come Along! and will enable children with special needs to showcase their talents to themselves and others, thus promoting integration into society through the arts music, song, dance. We invite you to donate to create an inclusive and supportive environment for children with special needs, in which they can develop their creative abilities and increase their self-confidence. Please follow the link, and thank you for your donation! Nāc līdzās is also organizing its annual concert Nāc līdzās Ziemassvētkos (Come along at Christmas) on Monday, December 13th at 19.00 at Hanzas Perons. Valid Covid-19 certificates are required. Tickets are available here please follow the link. Please support this event. |
Special Interest Projects |
CanChams Visit Latvia Program: What started as the medical tourism project in July has become CanChams Visit Latvia Program including medical tourism, sports tourism, business tourism and trade tourism aimed at attracting visitors to Latvia through CanCham DMC and international partner system to develop business opportunities for CanCham members. Preparation is complete. The program is now being launched by offering limited services. Please follow the link for information about the program. Progress updates will be provided. Two other initiatives are also underway in their early stages:
CanCham Strategy 2022 |
The CanCham Board is reviewing its strategy and activities for 2022. The last strategy available was in and is to be adjusted to meet updated member requirements. Mark Watson, a Member of the Board and Director of Corporate Membership is leading this initiative. Members who are interested in participating in this are asked to contact Mark directly at mark.watson@cancham.l |
Event planning is currently underway but will depend in large part to the previously mentioned strategy currently being assembled.It appears that event rules have normalized for those with covid certificates. We intend to have in-person events with video conferencing facilities for those that cannot attend. An event program will be developed for in-person events starting in early 2022. In the meantime, we will develop our special interest projects. |
DMC System |
Please be reminded that the DMC system for business development between Latvia and Canada is available to all members who wish to export goods or services or receive same from Canada. This is explained in (updated). Companies interested in exporting and developing strategic partnerships should take note. Companies interested in exporting and developing strategic partnerships should take note and contact the Group Leader, Ilze Dērupa, for further information. |
Member advertising |
The CanCham offers it members the opportunity to advertise their products and services though its web site, and its Face Book and LinkedIn social media sites. Members can publish their own information in CanChams Members & Good Friends page in FB. Advertising collages are published periodically. This involves sending a jpg format picture advertisement. For further information, please contact a Board Member or Group Leader. For contact information, see |
Special Recognition |
We wish to recognize those members who advance CanChams objectives by having signed up at enhanced membership levels:
Other information |
Par CanCham latviešu valodā a presentation describing the CanCham in the Latvian language has been prepared by br.ook interior architecture. We thank Ligita Breģe and Baiba Rūķe for putting this together. |
Corporate Contributing Members | Senior Corporate Members | |