Report on Canada’s 150th birthday with the CanCham in Latvia

About 30 members and friends attended CanCham’s Canada’s 150th birthday celebration on Saturday, July 1st, 2017 at the Trompete Restaurant, Peldu iela 24, Riga. We were pleased that not only H.E. Alain Hausser, Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia joined us, but also recently arrived to Latvia Col Josh Major, MSM, CD, Commander, Joint Task Force Europe, Canadian Armed Forces and TF RSM, CWO Eric Proulx were introduced to those present. This resulted in a friendly, informal and interesting event where we were able to start to get to know members of the Canadian Armed Forces who will be stationed in Latvia for quite some time. The CanCham hopes to do its part in making Canadian armed forces personnel feel welcome and at home in Latvia, and to show them what Latvia has to offer.

Despite the drizzle (and it also rained in Canada on this special day), the atmosphere was warm and comfortable on the outdoor terrace, and we marked the occasion with the singing of O Canada and a toast to Canada’s 150th sponsored by R-Birojs Ambassador Hausser then presented CanCham’s Chairman, Ed Kalvins, with the special 150 year pin.

And so, the first 150 years of Canada is behind us, and we look forward to the next 150.

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