Who should the Diaspora vote for? (Par ko balsot diasporai?)
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Dear CanCham Members and Friends,
The upcoming Latvian national elections on October 6th will be important to anyone interested in Latvia. The association Ar pasaules pieredzi Latvijā (With worldwide experience in Latvia) is organizing a debate (in Latvian) between political party representatives on Tuesday, August 28th,
between 6:30 PM - 9 PM
where? - Tu jau zini, kur hallē, Tallinas ielā 10-3
The debate will
be broadcast on DELFI TV and social networks.
The CanCham encourages its members and friends
to attend if you can, or follow the debate on DELFI TV and social media
networks. http://www.delfi.lv/video/zinas/,
https://arpasaulespieredzi.lv/, https://www.facebook.com/ArPasaulesPieredzi/. |
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