Report on the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia Annual General Meeting

The CanCham experienced an extremely positive AGM on Monday, October 1st, 2018 at the Riga Business School. 19 members were present representing a total vote count of 49.

As there were no elections this year, the AGM dealt with administrative issues including a review of the annual report, audit report and financial report, as well as accepting a budget for the next year. This information, along with the minutes of the meeting can be accessed by members in the members section of the CanCham web site.

A presentation on Creating Visibility was provided by Oskars Dombrava, Web Media Kings as Creating Visibility will be a priority for the CanCham in the coming year.

The CanCham remains committed to its objective of serving the business interests of all its members, but it was recognized that there are resource constraints. Richard Hunter of Ozols America undertook to chair a work group to review issues related to the sustainability of the chamber and will be joined by Oskars Dombrava of  Web Media Kings and Sunny Motwany of B and C Restaurants - Indian Raja. Clearly financing is an issue, but our commitment to the development of small and medium businesses demands unique solutions to achieving lasting results, after all, to be sensitive to the requirements of both larger and smaller partners is the Canadian way.

The following upcoming events were identified (see events

  • October 1st, the Canadian Thanksgiving dinner with guest speaker, H.E. Kevin Rex, Canadian Government Ambassador to Latvia,
  • December 4th, the CanCham Christmas in support of Nâc Lîdzas.

We remind everyone of CanCham’s sort term objective - The CanCham intends to optimize the expected benefits from the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the Canada/European Union free trade agreement that will remove most tariffs and bureaucracy between the EU and Canada and will greatly impact small and medium sized business. See This will provide major export opportunities for EU and Canadian companies, particularly for small and medium sized businesses. The agreement has been approved by both EU and Canadian parliaments and is currently going through the ratification process before becoming fully implemented.

We thank all members for their participation. Onwards and upwards!

Please follow for updates.

For pictures, see



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