Development Opportunities and Business Environment in Riga
Dear CanCham Members and Friends, The CanCham invites you to participate in the CanCham Business Development Forum - Development Opportunities and Business Environment in Riga with Gvido Princis and Jānis Prūsis representing the City of Riga. Please register here Gvido
Princis is Director / Riga City Architect at Office of The Riga City
Architect. Jānis Prūsis is the Acting Head, Investment Promotion
Division at Riga City Council, City Development Department. |
The CanCham is promoting Riga as the place to invest and develop strategic partnerships in, or simply as a great place for businesses in Northern Europe. Latvia itself is the Suez Canal or Panama Canal connecting major population centres. North Americans get access to the EU, Russia and Central Asia and visa versa. Riga has been a major trading centre since 1201, but it offers more than just business. Quality of life which includes history, architecture, traditions, etc. make Riga an extra special place. We encourage our members to recognize these additional benefits when dealing with the clients and partners. Todays event will not only focus on investment and business, but factors which make the Paris of the North an attractive place to live and do business. Forum participants are invited to come with their questions to help understand why Riga is the place to be for international business. Entrance charge includes refreshments (dinner not provided). Cash bar available. |
Date: Time:
Program: Registration: Please
Wednesday, June 15th, 2016
18.00 for members,
others pay 28.00.
18.30 Arrivals / Networking
19.00 Introduction and announcements Ed Kalvins
19.15 Gvido Princis, Director / Riga City
20.00 Jānis Prūsis Acting Head, Investment Promotion
20.45 Participant introductions (maximum 30
seconds each)
21.00 Networking
Seating capacity is limited. We encourage early registration. Advance payment is required and your place in the event will be confirmed when we have received payment. Preference will be given to paid guests. Unpaid registrations may be cancelled should the venue be fully booked. (CanCham reserves the right to charge registered persons who do not cancel their reservations by 17:00 June 14th, 2016.) Yours Sincerely,
Kalvins, Chairman