CanCham’s “Show & Tell” Networking event

Register Here


Dear CanCham Members and Friends,

Spring has sprung and COVID restrictions are gone. It’s time to reconnect in person, and we invite you to CanCham’s “Show & Tell” Networking event. 

We’d like to get an update from our members on what they have been doing during the COVID winter, and to remind everyone what services they provide and indicate recent changes and accomplishments. Let’s also discuss how we can help one another and share this information with our friends.

Members are invited to provide a short presentation of about 3 minutes. Presentations may be verbal or include a ppt (max 5 slides) presentation. These presentations may eventually be posted in CanCham’s FB group page.
Date: Monday, April 25th, 2022
Time:18.30 to 21.30
PlaceUnity Business Centre Conference Room, 109 Vienîbas gatve,
Register:Register Here
Cost: No charge
To join as a member, use the following link:
Program:18.30    Arrivals / Networking
 19.00    Presentations 
 21.00    Networking  
Yours Sincerely,
Ed Kalvins, Director, Business Development 


Seating capacity is limited. We encourage early registration. Your place in the event will be confirmed when we have received payment. Preference will be given to paid guests. Unpaid registrations may be cancelled should the venue be fully booked. (CanCham reserves the right to charge registered persons who do not cancel their reservations by 17:00, Friday, April 22, 2022.)

In order to conform to new General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") which came into effect on May 25th, 2018, please note the following:

Attendees to CanCham events are advised that all proceedings during an event could be photographed, and that these photographs could be placed in public view in social media or web sites accessible to the public. Should attendees not wish their photo to appear in the public space, please advise the organizers accordingly in the notes section of the registration form.


 Upcoming events
Monday, January 27th,2025 at 18.30 
CanCham AGM
Gold Leval 


Silver Leval


 Significant Partners

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