19.11.2024 Invitation to the conference "Women in the Armed Forces"

An invitation to CanCham members

The organisation "Women for Security", the Embassy of Canada to Latvia, Task Force Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia is pleased to invite you to the conference "Women in the Armed Forces".

Location: Military Base Ādaži (Ādaži, Ādažu novads, Gaujas 33a)
Date: December 6, 2024, 9.00- 16.00
Dress code: Outfit of the day
Conference working language: English

The aim of the conference is to discuss the relevance and necessity of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "On Women, Peace and Security", focusing on the military environment, women in the service, the challenges they face, and the attraction of women to the armed forces.

The conference features two panel discussions, workshop and military base visit.

The conference will gather approximately 100 participants from diverse backgrounds, including academics, policymakers, diplomats, military personnel, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, and activists.

To register for this event, please fill in this application form till 29 November.  

Due to security reasons, registration is mandatory.
By your attendance, you agree to the taking and publication of photographs.

Please make sure you arrive on time.
To enter a military base, you must bring proof of identity.
Captain / Kapteine (OF-2) Romiche François
Engagement Officier | Iesaistes koordinatore
Task Force Latvia Headquarters | Latvijas Kaujas grupas štābs
Canadian Armed Forces  |  Kanādas Bruņotie Spēki
For further information, contact Ed Kalvins ar ed.kalvins@cancham.lv  




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