Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
Destination Management Coordination (DMC)
Policy and Procedure 

1) Purpose

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia (CanCham) promotes market entry, business opportunity or sales development in geographic regions unfamiliar to a client (a producer/provider of products, services or equipment). 

This policy & procedure relates to how CanCham members can provide services in Latvia and the surrounding region to international businesses and/or receive services internationally through a facilitator to be designated as a Destination Management Coordinator (DMC).


2) Definition

DMC (Destination Management Coordinator) is a professional services company or individual with local knowledge, expertise and resources, working in the design and implementation of events, activities, transportation and program logistics for a client with the purpose of developing business opportunities in a particular region for the specific client.


3) DMC Requirements 

To become a certified CanCham DMC, the DMC must meet the following requirements.

  1. General
    1. be identified with a specific geographic region,
    2. be identified with a specific group activity,
    3. be approved by the CanCham Board.
  2. in Latvia
    1. be a Corporate, Senior Corporate or Corporate Contributing member in good standing, or be an active Group Leader.
  3. Internationally
    1. agree to participate as a DMC
    2. adhere to the policies & procedures applicable to DMC’s

4) Groups

Generally, DMC services will apply to, but are not limited to the following groups:

  • Trade Facilitation & Export (Market Entry)
  • Health & Leisure 
  • Construction Related Services
  • Business Support

5) Contractual

All contractual obligations are between

  • the CanCham member and the international DMC for services internationally,
  • the international client and the CanCham DMC in Latvia for services provided in Latvia and immediate region.

6) Remuneration / Compensation

A DMC is not expected to finance the client’s projects. The intent of the remuneration policy is to compensate the DMC for services provided, but to minimize the investment risk of the client.

Standard remuneration terms are recommended to start and may be modified as agreed.

  • €40.00 ($60.00 CAN) or equivalent per hour (unless otherwise agreed) based on submitted time sheets for services provided. 
    • Compensation for direct expenses is extra at cost.
    • Invoicing may be on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on the volume of work.
    • Not included in the remuneration package are special arrangements made between the DMC and client for commissions, bonuses or other additional payments that may be agreed.
  • A €1,000.00 retainer (or equivalent) paid by the client before the commencement of services,
  • A € 200.00 (or equivalent) referral fee paid by the Client to the CanCham.  
    • Should additional CanCham services be required (eg. for defining scope, providing a contract, negotiating terms, etc.), a separate charge will apply.
  • Local taxes are extra where applicable in all cases.

7) Accountability

  • The CanCham is not responsible for the outcome of services between a DMC and a client.
  • The DMC is obligated to inform the CanCham when a service agreement has been arranged.
  • During initial discussions on cooperation, both the DMC and client are required to share information via copied e-mails with the CanCham representative facilitating collaboration.  

8) Web site facilitation


9) Termination of DMC status

DMC status can be revoked by the Chairman of the CanCham Board or his designate without notice if:

  • a member is no longer a member in good standing,
  • this policy & procedure has not been followed,
  • there is evidence of unethical or illegal practices,
  • there are concerns about competence,
  • service levels have no met expectations.

Termination decisions may be appealed to the Board.


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